[Updated] Goldman Sachs Aptitude Test Questions and Answers
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EFI Interview Questions


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Top 10 EFI Interview Questions With Answer

Question: 1 / 10

Tell me about yourself breifly and explain about latest project?

Question: 2 / 10

What are the difference between static linking and dynamic linking, Which one you have used and which one is better?

Question: 3 / 10

How you will identify which thread is causing hang?

Question: 4 / 10

What is Static casting and Dynamic casting?

Question: 5 / 10

Can you explain briefly about any design pattern you have used in your project.

Question: 6 / 10

Steps to implement stack using Linklist?

Question: 7 / 10

What are major difference between mutex and semaphore?

Question: 8 / 10

How can you debug multi thread applications?

Question: 9 / 10

What are the use of virtual destructor

Question: 10 / 10

A function can be static and virtual?