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How To Write a Good Essay

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 What is an Essay?

The word 'Essay' is derived from the Latin word 'Exagium', which means presenting one's views on something. To define an essay, Essays are limited sized writings that represent the writer's thoughts and views on something. Essays are often based on the writer's perspective and individual experiences due to which they are almost always one-sided and personalized. Essays can be formal as well as informal.

Essay writing is being one of the crucial element in most of the interviews, academic examinations and entrance examinations. Clearing off this round needs an in-depth understanding and strong guidance on essay writing.

Here, we explain in detail about essays and their types, provide you with a detailed guide on how to write an effective essay.

 Qualities of a good Essay:

There is a saying that if you are not able to explain something clearly, that means you didn't understand that first. This suits better here. Before talking about a point/topic, make sure that you have valid and properly constructed reasons to justify your points. There is no limit to analyze a given topic and there is no such restriction to look at only one dimension of the topic. But the choice you make on the dimensions and your ability to talk about the chosen one decides the quality of the content you can deliver. Below, we have mentioned a few points and guidelines for a quality essay.

  • Start a point only when you are sure about it. A quality essay should not contain indecisive justifications.
  • Instead of using someone's, use original content in the essay. Do not mug up the topics and spit on the paper in the test. This loses the originality in your thoughts.
  • The content should be explanatory and complete. Do not leave points unattended. Rather do not mention such points.
  • There should be a systematic flow in the essay. The content should be well organized to maintain the reader's attention throughout the essay.
  • Keep the content in touch with the context. Do not divert the context and get lost with the flow.
  • Manage time accordingly. Divide the time left by the number of items to be covered and allocate appropriate time for each item. Time management again depends on the speed of your brain in thinking and putting up your thoughts into words.
  • Try to fit in the essay between 300 to 500 words. This doesn't make the reader bored of reading your essay.
  • Use simple and crisp language in your essay. People use high-level jargons to show off their grip on the language. But remember, this is not a test for your vocabulary. This is a test for your knowledge. Usage of complex words breaks the flow of the sentence.
  • Always avoid grammar and spelling mistakes. This distracts the reader from the content.
  • Use appropriate addressing for higher officials or people who are in respectable positions. For ex., Address 'Mr. Modi' or 'Honorable Prime Minister' instead of 'Modi Ji '.


 How to prepare for Essay writing test:

Generating content for essays is only possible when you are well equipped with sufficient knowledge. Keep an eye on regularly asked topics or ever trending topics like women, country growth, education and current topics like elections, recently happened events, etc.

Having some knowledge on important topics keeps you confident. So, whenever you are asked about a known topic, you will not be scared in the first place and you can try to reel up information based on the known facts.

Best practice before sitting to write an essay is to brainstorm and gather valid points on the subject. Organize your thoughts and draft a rough plan on how to frame the content. This way you can structure the flow of the essay in a better and interesting way.


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Guide on Essay Writing
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