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Data Structures and Algorithms Interview Questions

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    What are the types of data structure you know, explain it.

    There are two types of datastructure.

    1).Linear data structure

    2).Non Linear datastucture.

    For example linear datastructure are stack queue and link list

    Non linear datastructure are tree

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    What array, linked list? What are major difference ?

    Array is an indexed based sequential datasture which is stored contigous memory locations . It is mainly used when the operation is searching of element from the list.

    Link list is a sequential datastructure which consists of nodes located at non contigous memory locations. It is used when the operation is insertion and deletion.

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    What is stack and queue?

    Stack is a sequential datastructure which will follow last in first out (LIFO) rules. The mainly operations of stack are : push pop peer empty and full.

    Qeque is also a sequential datastructure which will work on First In First Out(FIFI) . It is the datastructure with restriction that the insertion will be performed from one end and deletion from the another end with help of front and rear. The mainly operations will be performed are : enque and deque operations .

    We can implement both by using an array (i.e. static implementation ) and another is using linklist that is dynamic implementation.

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    What is circular linked list ?

    In circular linked list , every node links to next node in the list except the last node that links to first node of the list. It is similar to single linked list except that last node is connected to the first node.

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    Priority Queue is an extension of

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    Write a structure of doubly linked list?

    Struct Node{

    Int data;  //datafield

    Struct  Node* next;//address field of                     the next node

    Struct Node*prev;//address field of                    the previous field

    }Struct Node node;

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    What is a self referencing pointer?

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    Draw the nodes of doubly linked list?

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Operating System, Data Structure are some of the topics which will find the place in almost every interview, as they serve as the base and are a must especially for freshers. Also, a good subject to learn algorithms, storing methodologies, maintaining the quality and optimal time of the code and much more for college students.

The collection of Data Structures and Algorithms Interview Questions questions here helps you to do that and much more. Learn and test your knowledge through the mock tests. Giving an interview, need some quick questions to review, WE HAVE GOT YOUR BACK!!, just save the questions to your personalized reading list using TO READING LIST and see through them anytime anywhere you want.
All questions here are based on the real time experience of previous candidates and have been asked in various IT Companies interviews at freshers and Experience level.