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Sick Earth


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Total Spelling Mistake: 2

" From the picture I want to write we call that our earth is the mother earth. Now a days many of the people destroying the earth in the form of the pollution. As we see that now a days pollution is increasing for that pollution purpose global warming occurring that means a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere it may leads to the green house effect. For overcome these we have to plant the plants and we cannot destroy the trees. Greenery is the most important part to reduce the pollution. For this pollution also many peoples are effecting the carbon dioxide and oxygen are also became polluted. By increasing the tress the oxygen and carbon dioxide cannot be polluted. Now a days many of the destroying the tress and constructing the lot of industries for that many of the people are effecting. So at last i want to say that "save the tress and save the earth" because earth is the house of the all the creatures. "

Total Words Count: 169

Total Time: 15 Min


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It's for your practice before your essay writing exam , whether you are able to write the essay by using phrase/outline in given span of time or not.

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Total Spelling Mistake: 4

" The Earth is the Mother of all the living organisms that constitute a proper living.But many of us is polluting the earth through different ways, They include causing global warming which leads to increase in the temperature of the earth surface. Due to this many creatures around us are facing many problems. For example let us take trees even they have irregular shedding of leaves irrespective of seasons. Ice in the polar ice caps are converting into water so, it may change our weather conditions. There is a need for controlling the pollution caused by different ways. And we humans should raise the counter measures regarding controlling of pollution. If we did not adopt any counter measures it is threat to our life. Some of the conservative measures are : Planting trees which helps us to reduce the pollution to some extent. Reducing the usage of plastic based materials. Reducing the emission of chloro fluro carbons from different machines. Promoting the use of eco-friendly products. "Plants give us life and they are the backbones of making our life possible", So, everyone should take an oath to preserve and conserve our nature. "

Total Words Count: 191

Total Time: 0 Min


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It's for your practice before your essay writing exam , whether you are able to write the essay by using phrase/outline in given span of time or not.

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Total Spelling Mistake: 1

" Earth is home for million of small and large creature . We worship the place we live but as we see now our planet is getting polluted, it is getting sick and loosing it's charm. We humans on one hand call earth as mother earth, but on the other hand we are polluting the earth and this pollution has adverse affects on humans. Due to rise in green house gases there is global warming which is again polluting the earth. So we humans should use the renewable  resources and try to be eco-friendly. This would be good for future generations.  "

Total Words Count: 99

Total Time: 8 Min


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It's for your practice before your essay writing exam , whether you are able to write the essay by using phrase/outline in given span of time or not.