• Question :: 11

    100 people standing in a circle in an order 1 to 100. No.1 has a sword. He kills next person (i.e.no. 2 )and gives the sword to next to next (i.e no.3). All person does the same until only 1 survives. Which number survives at the last? 

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    Asked In :Capgemini

  • Question :: 12

    What is the maximum number of slices can you obtain by cutting a cake with only 4 cuts?

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    Asked In :Capgemini

  • Question :: 13

    Pond with Lillies

    There is one lily in the pond on 1st June. There are two in the pond on 2nd June. There are four on 3rd June and so on. The pond is full of lilies by the end of the June.

    (i) On which date the pond is half full?
    (ii) If we start with 2 lilies on 1st June when will be the pond be full of lilies.

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    Asked In :Capgemini

  • Question :: 14

    Completion of Task

    A man is allocated a task. He doubles the task done every day. If the man completely does the task in 18 days, how many days did it take for the man to complete 25% of the task?

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    Asked In :Capgemini