[Updated] Goldman Sachs Aptitude Test Questions and Answers
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Broadcom Ltd Interview Questions


Total Set :5

Top 10 Broadcom Ltd Interview Questions With Answer

Question: 1 / 10

Briefly introduce your self, and current project you are working.

Question: 2 / 10

How to check a number, whether it is power of 2 or not.



int main()
int x;
printf(" %d is power of 2\n",x);
printf(" %d not power of 2 \n",x);

Question: 3 / 10

How to delete a node in linklist, when one address of that node is given.


void deleteNodeWithoutHead(struct Node* pos)
if (*pos == NULL) // If linked list is empty

else {
struct Node* temp = pos->next;

// Copy data of the next node to current node
pos->data = pos->next->data;

// Perform conventional deletion
pos->next = pos->next->next;

return 0;

Question: 4 / 10

How to find the nth node in linklist from back.


Use 2 pointers:-


Both the nodes point to the HEAD of the list. pNthNode starts moving only after pTemp has moved n nodes forward. From there, both nodes move forward until pTemp reaches NULL.
pNthNode now points at the nth node from the end.

Defining a function to find the nth node from the end.
struct node * nthNodeFromEnd(struct node * head, int n)
// we need to find the nth node from the end.
struct node * pTemp = head;
struct node * pNthNode = head;

int nCurrentElement = 0;

int counter = 0;

while(counter != n)
pTemp = pTemp -> next;

while(pTemp != NULL)
pNthNode = pNthNode -> next;
pTemp = pTemp -> next;

return pNthNode;

Question: 5 / 10

What is volatile.


Things which are all changeable is volatile.

for example, int a=5;

a=a+1; //value changes,this is volatile.

by default all variables are volatile.

Question: 6 / 10

What is mutex and semaphore, what is difference in both, is binary

Question: 7 / 10

what is virtual memory.

Question: 8 / 10

Some questions from paging, what is it, how to get address.

Question: 9 / 10

How to implement sizeof operator.


#define my_sizeof(type) (char *)(&type+1)-(char*)(&type)
int main()
    double x;
    printf("%d", my_sizeof(x));
    return 0;
Question: 10 / 10

Some basic networking question